And back to reality.. We finally got a surgery teacher.. she taught us appendicitis and well I understood it. Things are looking up. OPD had ended its back to ot i.e. hell hole. But in the past 2 weeks I've only gone to school twice. Been home studying, hanging out, watching movies. Life is good =) And it'll only get better.
I have a good feeling about the other half of this year. =) Vacations did me good. I cleared my head, got off the shit wagon. Now I'm studying, getting work done at school and not being gay about my relationships and friendships. Being a grown up and facing things head on!
Oral pathology is almost done. Half of general medicine done. 1/4th of perio done and half of oral medicine done.The only thing left worrying me is general surgery. The nerd in me is back :D
Hellow my dentist fellow.
Can I tell you how much I HATE OCCLUSION?
i wish i knew some more about biology rather then being a boring old accountant =/
aaa... I did that last year.. It screwed me over.. But this gen surgery and gen medicine crap is worse.
ubaid: sometimes it's better to be boring and old school. Trust me!
hahaha... well i need to learn that... i love arts... it just doesn't let me boring... but well we accountants are supposed to be boring ... and thats why i can never be a good one :(
accepting is good! but you should be good at what you do otherwise that just sucks.. you'll always be stuck in one place, never move up!
i am good in what i do.... per like i am jack of many trades and the master of none... and there is a mix opinion about this of people, some says its good (mai bhooka nahi maroun gaa ;p) and some says am just too mixed up in things which makes my life hard as i would have lot to acheive... rather then just to achieve one thing!!
I think it's good.. people are right. tum bhokay nai maro ge. take special consideration of the messed up economy and toilet paper value of the currency!
hahahahah yeah right i would... but in pakistan.... aaahhh i don't think so!!!
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