I felt like writing a little something about all the great and not so great friends I have. So here goes…
Anum: it’d be unfair if I didn’t begin with her. I have known this girl since 4th grade and man she’s been there since forever! She talked to me, listened to me, made me laugh, let me cry when I wanted to and made everything seem so much better by all that she said. Thanks for being there. . I’ll have to write way too much to say how much she means to me. She knows how much she means to me and that’s enough... I love you woman. And your here there left right and centre every time I need u. I don’t know how we got around to being this close but you’ve cheered me at times when nobody could!
Hina: is next on my list. Ive known her for about 5 years for now. We’ve done every possible thing together. Yes. Literally. We always claimed and were proud of the fact that we had never fought. Well, it was ALMOST so let’s forget about that one time and still pretend that never happened. I have to thank her for always inquiring about me and keeping track of how things were with me. I hope u always stay happy :) and thanks for caring so bloody much!
Shahzeem: with whom I’ve shared the weirdest relationship possible. Every moment spent, every fight, everything said and not said is special to me... I won’t say more. I just want you to know that there’s unconditional and oh yes platonic love here... and will continue to be because what I’ve shared with you is no random bond. It’s always going to stay special. And I don’t know how I deal with myself or just simply stay normal without talking to u every day.
Hussain: I’m sorry for everything. I’m sorry about how things turned out and I’m sorry for being how I was. The fun times we spent together were nothing but fun. And extremely memorable! You know me and understand me better than anyone in this world. You’re there for me when I need u. thanks for it all and I WILL miss you. And I do miss you every friggin day!
Natasha: we lost it together and said crazy stuff to each other and talked all day all night. Those times were a hell lot of fun. Whatever may happen and however weird things might get. I love you loads and loads. And will always always always love u and be there for u all the time. Whenever the hell you need me!
Zain: is another one I would like to mention cause without him and his yet to be understood sense of humor cracked me up at times when I really needed to crack up. I want to thank him for listening to me and speak over what I’m saying, to explain things to me in your own way, to make me listen to your speeches and to piss me off but make up in the cutest of ways. It’s hard to believe that I’ve only known u for only 2 years. But that just shows that there’s no 'old new friends' thing. It’s about how much a person means to you. And what all you go through with the person. And your constant support and being there has meant the world to me.
Same goes for zia. After knowing him for quite a while, I came across a whole new person who changed my way of thinking and looking at things. Who was positive and optimistic and taught me how to be the same and who made the last year more amazing than anything. From talking all the time and now spending so much time together, I’ve realized what you’re actually like.
Ambreen,amber,ayesha and shazil: we hardly spent that much time together but the time we did spend together was fun and I hope it continues to be that way!
Sarah: for being excited about everything happening in my life. Remembering all the important occasions and and everything. The times we've spent together, good AND bad are just too memorable. We’ve been through too much together but in the end it’s worth it. You are or were or are one of my best friends and I can’t imagine the past 2 years of my life without you =) i know you’re difficult sometimes and we have different ways of thinking and I don’t get how we have been getting along for all these years but I do get that u mean a lot to me.. And always will because we've spent all these years, have talked endlessly and have become like family. We don't always agree with each other but we think more alike than most people do and u were there for me every time I did or didn’t ask for u to be there. So thank you!
Dino: lime slushie,kung fu panda,denise,chutia, ur names are endless and regardless of the fact that i dont know know you having known u for about 4 years the times me u and hina have spent always bring a smile to my face. They have been nothing but pure happiness. U make me laugh with ur fucked up stories ur endless talks about peeing and shit. my life would be colourless without knowing you!
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