A week ago we were trying to remember this particular even that happened the night of chucks last birthday. 11th December(four days before our first prof's), which BTW we all aced.
people tend to talk a lot of crap while high but i think this was the height of craziness. =P
so chucky says dude they are making Disney land in Karachi near sea view you know...and you'll have to go by a boat cause it'll be on the other or like in the middle of the sea...
we go like ummmm...what??
chucky- man its like in one of those areas where they are making that new mall....=p
and we were laughing are assess off by now. so M( I'm going to try and avoid names here=p) goes like so its like not part of Karachi then??!!??
chucky- ya man....
me and Sarah interrupt and tell the boys how insane they are:P...hahahhaha....
but chucky keeps on going on and the story changes to how Karachi will be divided and shit and it'll no longer be a part of Pakistan so M says that since hes born in Lahore he'll need a visa to come and chucky actually said that he'll send him a sponsorship letter for the visa..
that's when Sarah and i got dropped home =P
we told chucky about this a week ago and he completely denied coming up with this ridiculous story =p
shit really does happen when you're stoned =D
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